Eewan grew up on outskirts of Moscow, Russia. He focuses on two mediums for his storytelling - photography and illustrations.
Many of his peers have become drug dealers, alcoholics or people without direction. He has avoided this path, according to himself, "purely due to the fact that he painted on walls."
Whilst painting, he has encountered many different people, ranging from graffiti writers to "left of centre" designers. Eewan believes he is now at the stage where it is time to tell you all that he knows.
Eewan humbly warns that you can either take him seriously, or think that all that he shows you is a joke. But by seeing through his thinly veiled irony with a sense of humour, a touch of sarcasm and a little bit of self-depreciation, his work may just have been created for you.
He lists his adversaries as graffiti writers who do not know why they paint, people who are trying to criminalise art and the artists who have made their careers with a protracted sense of monetary gain, hand in hand with uninteresting performances. However a key factor in his work are these opponents, and with their help he is depicting the reality of what is happening in the art world in general, by holding a mirror to it's ways.