Good Guy Boris

Is good to make clear that the name of my first exhibition has nothing to do with the album of Korn. The name is inspired from The paradigm shift theory, explained in 'The 7 Habits of highly effective people' by Steven covey. Reading it might help you connect the puzzle pieces that i will present you before and during the expo.


Wearing beepers as fashion accessories and walking around Barbes with Alerian-flag socks. Thats whats up.


Yesterday I spent the half of my afternoon at the Louvre practicing my french skills and questioning random Parisians for an upcoming video.


Hi everyone. I created this private space to expose for you a bit more from my life. Pictures, quotes and stories that i find interesting to share with you - all that for free! It's like: 'Yo dawg, i heard you like blogs so I put a blog inside your blog so you can has more blogs to blog'.

If you feel the urge to say something you can do it at Boris at thegrifters dot org or you can simply follow and unfollow me on istagram here.

*Picture related - The small solidarity box that collected money during my holidays. Much love to all who supported!