At first, when graffiti was new and independent, the people who started it were creative. Not bound by rules or codes, they where fascinated and free to create. The freedom of expression that the pioneers of the artistic movement had, lasted as long as more people joined the movement. Like in any other cultural movements, created by a man, rules started to appear, graffiti stopped to develop and creativity started to decrease.
Only several artists understood that this “unwritten laws of vandalism” are blocking their development. They dared to take the risk, to disobey this rules, created in something that was about freedom at first place, in order to continue to evolve. Wherever they went back and forth experimenting - two things remained constant in its ordinary practice - the spray can as a tool and the urban space as a medium - the Alpha and the Omega.
The Top Sprayers MOSES & TAPS™ are world wide famous for their conceptual artwork on extreme supports, contemporary vandalism and their strong corporative branding.
In their first book, a best seller and titled as the “bible of graffiti”, they set not only a new record of quantity and quality for graffiti on trains, but their ideas and interactions with the public space proved something more important - art does not belongs only in the galleries. In addition, the duo challenged one of the sacred essentials of graffiti - the ego. Leaving both fans and police in check-mate, they sacrificed the idea of “a person is standing behind a pseudonym”. Moses alias Taps.
In §PLASH “Rules of Vandalism” - their first show in Paris, Moses Alias Taps™ will render the quinta essentia of pure graffiti and challenge another basis - to write a name. “Just paint...” or “A waste of paint...”, Top Sprayers will confront YOUR interpretation on what is standing between the Alpha and the Omega.